Wednesday 27 April 2011

quick update

The videos for the graphic novel are underway.

I have decided each page which links off from the map page (Home) will have a looped video of the level. I have been creating sound effects to go with each other.
Though i cant show any sounds or videos because Blogger is being difficult I will list what videos I am creating and what the sound effects being used.

Title Page: Cloud scene with mountain top - wind sound effect with mafia 2 soundtrack song used

Page 1: Rain level - rain sound effects with little lightning

Page 2: snow level - wind with feet through snow

Page 3: Cave level - water drops and creepy echos

page 4: Crash site - Fire crackles and the sound of trees falling

Page 5: Beach - soft wind and Seagulls

Last Page - trailer

I find it very important for fitting sounds as it creates great atmosphere and it fits with the theme of the game, which is sound interacting with gameplay.

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