Sunday 15 May 2011

And its done...

Its taken alot of fine tuning but I feel the graphic novel is now done. I have used iWeb to put it all together to get the best look.
All which is left to do is fix the buttons and test it with some of my housemates to see how well the site works.
Here is a screen capture of the starting page. I added the 'xbox live arcade & 'works with iPhone' logos just to add realism to the project. Of course I might have to take them off if I publish the site for copyright reasons!

Thursday 28 April 2011


I've got two of my housemates to test out my Graphic novel to see what they think of it. Both of them seemed to really like it which is great news.
I am genuially really happy with how my site has turned out.
I feel its a piece you can watch, listen and enjoy without really having to do much. Though its simple there is something about it which really works. I hope to soon publish it online as it would be great to add it to my portfolio...

Map page preview

Here is whats possibly going to be the final concept of one of the map page. I have added magnifying glasses to the areas in which the viewer which click to view the different environments. Pretty pleased with the look so I dont think I will be changing it at all.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

quick update

The videos for the graphic novel are underway.

I have decided each page which links off from the map page (Home) will have a looped video of the level. I have been creating sound effects to go with each other.
Though i cant show any sounds or videos because Blogger is being difficult I will list what videos I am creating and what the sound effects being used.

Title Page: Cloud scene with mountain top - wind sound effect with mafia 2 soundtrack song used

Page 1: Rain level - rain sound effects with little lightning

Page 2: snow level - wind with feet through snow

Page 3: Cave level - water drops and creepy echos

page 4: Crash site - Fire crackles and the sound of trees falling

Page 5: Beach - soft wind and Seagulls

Last Page - trailer

I find it very important for fitting sounds as it creates great atmosphere and it fits with the theme of the game, which is sound interacting with gameplay.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Page template

With the main map page designed I need to draw up a template of how the other videos will look.

I have decided that the graphic Novel will be more a 'Preview' of the levels which will be featured in the game. I have tried to make it look like a interactive trailer. Thinking about it I may even include a small trailer at the end of the graphic novel..

Here is a quick draft of what the other webpages will look like:

Map piece progression

Here is just a quick update on the map piece. Its taking the longest as its the Focal point of the graphic novel and it needs to look right. Here is a still of the near final piece.

I have also tried something which I've never done before. Recording my progress of this piece and creating a speed drawing. It was completely new to me but was alot of fun. Its very interesting being able to watch back what Im creating..
(I added abit of music just to make it a little more interesting!)

(link to video if rubbish Blogger doesn't work

Graphic novel structure change

Since creating the map piece I have decided that the structure of the GN needs to be changed. Main reason is I can play out with how the viewer can interact with the map, and more importantly it makes the GN become less linary and so dull. I have redrawn up the structure for how it will look.